"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty.
It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and
To misapply even the best of laws.
He that would make his own liberty
Secure must guard even his enemy from oppression;
For if he violates his duty he establishes
A precedent that will reach to himself."
Thomas Paine(1737-1809) US Founding father,
Source: Dissertation on First Principles of Government,
7 July 1795
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"Sometimes the law defends plunder and
participates in it.
Thus the beneficiaries are spared the shame and
danger that their acts would otherwise involve..
But how is this legal plunder to be identified?
Quite simply.
See if the law takes from some persons
what belongs to them and gives it to
the other persons to whom
it doesn't belong.
See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of
another by doing
what the citizen himself cannot do without
committing a crime.
Then abolish that law without delay ...
No legal plunder;
this is the principle of justice, peace, order,
stability, harmony and logic.
"-- Frederic Bastiat(1801-1850)
French economist, statesman,
- the French Revolution of February 1848.
* * * * *
"All bad precedents began as justifiable measures."
-- Gaius Julius Caesar(100-44 B.C.) Roman emperor
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"Censorship always defeats its own purpose,
for it creates, in the end,
the kind of society that is incapable of
exercising real discretion...
In the long run it will create a generation
incapable of appreciating the difference between
independence of thought and subservience.
"-- Henry Steele Commager(1902-1998)
Historian and author
Source: Freedom, Loyalty and Dissent, 1954