Monday, February 15, 2021

Quote of the day.....

 “The less justified a man is in

claiming excellence for his own self, 

the more ready he is to claim 

all excellence for his nation, 

his religion, his race or his holy cause.”

---Eric Hoffer.

Quote of the day.....

 “A man is likely to mind 

his own business..... 

when it is worth minding.”

“When it is not, 

he takes his mind off 

his own meaningless affairs 

by minding other people’s business.”

--- Eric Hoffer.

Quote of the day.....

Cancel culture wouldn’t exist 

Without coward culture.

---Rita Panahi @RitaPanahi

If you have real courage....speak truth for novelty sake ......

 Stop "spinning" or censoring stories 

about race, and

try telling the plain truth,

if only for the novelty of it.

-----Thomas Sowell.

Quote of the day......

Many issues are misconstrued,

not because they are too complex for

most people to understand,

but because a mundane explanation is

far less emotionally satisfying than

an explanation which produces

villains to hate and heroes to exalt.

--- Thomas Sowell.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Liars lair....


When lied..... 

Can't tell the difference.

An oppressor......

An oppressor is


A courageous One.

The thing in itself....and To be deranged....

Don't make 

Virtue of anything 

Then you will find.....

Sin everywhere.

To care for truth....

The one..... 

That does not

Care for truth will/may ....

Eventually indulge in

Monstrous acts.

In our differences....

In our differences

The injustice 

We do..... 

To each other.

Not for others....

The idea of being good and

Doing good is not for....
