Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Ocean 8.....Part 1...

How can the oppressed, 

as divided unauthentic beings, 

participate in the pedagogy of their liberation?

As long as they live in the duality 

While desiring to be one's desire is be.... and

To be like one's oppressor, 

this contribution is impossible.

Liberation is thus a childbirth, 

and a painful one.

--- Paulo Freire.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Quote of the day.....

Girls are capable of doing 

everything men are capable of doing. 

Sometimes ......

they have more imagination than men. 

--Katherine Johnson.1918-2020

NASA research Mathematician.


A community /Society

Or even a world....

With out A Just nature 

Is play ground for the devil.

The limits of compassion.....

True / Godly compassion has 

No limits... 

Even to the point of 

Being overwhelmed

As the needy is /are.

A tribute to Hilary Putnam.....

Human life is always prone to not just 

messiness and sloppiness,but, worse, 

to capitulation to forms of authority and pressure.

--- Hilary Whitehall putnam.
(/ˈpʌtnəm/; July 31, 1926 – March 13, 2016).


Corrupt/ed minds need 

Very little persuasion 

For change of...... 

Their beliefs.


A morally .....

Ethically unhinged behavior is 

A sign of self destructive behavior and 

A humanity's bad choice.

To unburden the self....

To be a burden on other is

No less burden on to.... 


Instead choose...


That which sustains 


Sunday, March 14, 2021


Our limitations become 


When mixed up 

With emotions.

Guilty by Association.......

When we buy in to Lies

Falsity of human nature and


We make ourselves.... 

Guilty by association.


A claim to goodness with 

An intent to profit is Bad.

Seeking validation......

Seeking validation through

Victimization of

Self or Others is....

A Sad State of affairs.

Life less.....Virtue.

An easy life is not 

A virtuous life

By any account.