Friday, October 14, 2016

Quote of the day..........

There can be no public or private virtue

unless the foundation of action is 

the practice of truth.

-- George Jacob Holyoake
(1817-1906) English secularist

Quote of the day..........

There can be no public or private virtue

unless the foundation of action is 

the practice of truth.

-- George Jacob Holyoake
(1817-1906) English secularist

Quote of the day..........

There can be no public or private virtue

unless the foundation of action is 

the practice of truth.

-- George Jacob Holyoake
(1817-1906) English secularist

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Quote of the day......

Nothing astonishes men so much as

common sense and plain dealing.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source: Essays, 1841