Individuality is the aim of political liberty.
By leaving to the citizen as much freedom of action
and of being as comports with order and By leaving to the citizen as much freedom of action
the rights of others,
the institutions render him truly a free man.
He is left to pursue his means of
happiness in his own manner.
-- James Fenimore Cooper(1789-1851)
American Novelist
Source: The American Democrat, 1838
Source: The American Democrat, 1838
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Those who won our independence believed that
the final end of the State was to make men free
to develop their faculties...the final end of the State was to make men free
They valued liberty both as an end and as a means.
They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness
and courage to be the secret of liberty.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis(1856-1941)
US Supreme Court Justice
US Supreme Court Justice
Source: Whitney v. California, 1927
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There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that
the three things we crave most in life
happiness, freedom, and peace of mindThere is a wonderful mythical law of nature that
the three things we crave most in life
are always attained by giving them to someone else.
Peyton Conway March(1864-1955) US Army General,
US Army Chief of Staff during the final year of WWI
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The great inlet by which a colour for
oppression has entered into the world is by
one man's pretending to determine
concerning the happiness of another.
oppression has entered into the world is by
one man's pretending to determine
concerning the happiness of another.
Edmund Burke(1729-1797) Irish-born British statesman,
parliamentary orator, and political thinker .