Saturday, November 02, 2013

Bots / Robots......

It is not the machine 

That needs to be moral
But the man behind it...and
A moral human knows very well

The true nature of things 

As they stand......
Not as willed as this or that or 

In one way or another
Very few have understood 

The predicament of Deluzian ways
Nor do they know....... 

The moral hazard of 

Being a Bugger.


Lord I Believe.. 
Help thou mine Unbelief - Mark 9.24

If one does not truly confer 

With god from time to time

One's spirituality is just 

A feigned assumption

To the extent of Lunacy....

While the one...... 

In companionship with god

Rejoices in revelation and salvation

The other one is..... 

Just a non remedial misery

That one bears...... 

As burden of proof.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Parable.....

 A Parable is an unknown Friend

Who knocks on Our door

To offer a gift of Insight and wisdom.