Wednesday, July 14, 2021

That which is A real construct and ...Yet an illusion..../ Dharma as Entropy and Evolution.....

To give way to and 

To have a sense of reality

Determinism works and operates 

With in a framework of 


Where all time and

Its constructs........ 

Which apparently give us

A sense of reality are

Subject to change and entropy

Where-as in the totality of

Annihilation and 

Ending of time 

For oneself (death) and 

The world to be......... 

Everything is 

Null and void....... and  

Only dharma........

The essence of all living

That which gives justice is

The only unchanging reality

Where life......... 

In its creation and

Continuity becomes

A possibility.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Quote of the day......

The scapegoat has always had 

the mysterious power of unleashing 

man's ferocious pleasure in torturing, 

corrupting, and befouling.

-- Francois Mauriac.(1885-1970) 
Nobel Prize in Literature (1952)
Source: Second Thoughts, 1961

Self and Ingenuity..../ And then there were none.....

If a person is ingenious 

With an intent and malice enough 

To make up something.....

He or she can come up with all

That can be deemed as ev·i·den·tia·ry Or

Find something they wish......

Others may believe in and

A person with sufficient ingenuity 

Can find evidence anywhere  

To build a case against others.

--- Agatha Christie.