Monday, June 25, 2012

Past Obessions.....

We should not try and create 

The past in Future

Which would be 

Our undoing in History

We have to Leave behind 

Both Good and Bad of the past

As in the understanding of 

What it has been and

Create our present and 

Work towards.....

A future that equitable 

With freedom and compassion

For each other.

       *        *        *        *        *

                  PSALM  1

Blessed are the man and women

Who have grown beyond 

Their Greed and have put an 

End to their hatred and

No longer nourish Illusions.

But they delight in the ways things are and

Keep their hearts open day and night.

They are like Trees planted 

near flowing rivers

Which bear fruit when they are ready

Their leaves will not Fall or Wither

Everything they do will Succeed.

---- Stephen Mitchell.

A Sunday reading @ 
Universal Unitarian Church.