Sunday, December 12, 2021

In Malice....


Even the greatest of the enemy 

Does not do is......... 

Twist the words spoken by Thee.....

Though one may not like the words 

That are spoken and even refute 

But to replace the word with lies or twist

Is dishonor even to.....

A worthy enemy.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Nature is thrifty in all its actions.............

The laws of movement and of 

rest deduced from 

this principle being precisely 

the same as those observed in nature, 

we can admire the application of it 

to all phenomena. 

The movement of animals, 

the vegetative growth of plants are

only its consequences; and 

the spectacle of the universe becomes 

so much the grander, 

so much more beautiful, 

the worthier of its Author, 

when one knows that 

a small number of laws, 

most wisely established, 

suffice for all movements.

-- Pierre Louis Maupertuis.(1698 - 1759) 
French mathematician.
philosopher and man of letters.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Zabriskie Point ...........

Ever since the beginning of modern science, 

the best minds have recognized that 

the range of acknowledged ignorance 

will grow with the advance of science. 

Unfortunately, the popular effect of 

this scientific advance has been a belief, 

seemingly shared by many scientists, 

that the range of our ignorance is 

steadily diminishing and that 

we can therefore aim at

more comprehensive and deliberate 

control of all human activities. 

It is for this reason 

that those intoxicated by 

the advance of knowledge 

so often become 

the enemies of freedom.

-- Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992), 

Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

To see the real future..../ And To be free from The Past...../ or / To have a Future embedded in past ?..../ to be Twice born........

To observe the hidden, 

One has to have eyes 

That are not conditioned by the past. 

One must look at oneself 

As though for the first time, 

Each time, and 

Therefore never accumulate. 

If not, you are just playing a game. 

You are not serious.

--Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Monday, August 02, 2021

An ideal subject...........

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is 

not the convinced Nazi… or 

the convinced Communist,

but people for whom the distinction 

between fact and fiction 

(i.e., the reality of experience) and 

the distinction between true and false 

(i.e., the standards of thought) 

no longer exist.

-- Hannah Arendt. (1906–1975) 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

What it is to be civilized........

The first requisite of civilization is 

That of justice.

--Sigmund Freud.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

To be responsible.....

When it come to responsibility

It is always 


To begin with.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What Lies....... In matters of Lies.........

In matters of lies


Both visible and invisible 

Deception and Corruption

Conflict and Litigation.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who is not blamed ?

They blame those 

who remain silent, 

they blame those 

who speak much, 

they blame those 

who speak in moderation. 

There is none in the world 

who is not blamed.

-- Gautama Budha.

To be........../ Tik Tock...........

What you think yours is

Not yours....

It is just a Tik Tock  of

Reality breathing in and out 

Be aware and let go......

So that your heart remains 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

That which is A real construct and ...Yet an illusion..../ Dharma as Entropy and Evolution.....

To give way to and 

To have a sense of reality

Determinism works and operates 

With in a framework of 


Where all time and

Its constructs........ 

Which apparently give us

A sense of reality are

Subject to change and entropy

Where-as in the totality of

Annihilation and 

Ending of time 

For oneself (death) and 

The world to be......... 

Everything is 

Null and void....... and  

Only dharma........

The essence of all living

That which gives justice is

The only unchanging reality

Where life......... 

In its creation and

Continuity becomes

A possibility.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Quote of the day......

The scapegoat has always had 

the mysterious power of unleashing 

man's ferocious pleasure in torturing, 

corrupting, and befouling.

-- Francois Mauriac.(1885-1970) 
Nobel Prize in Literature (1952)
Source: Second Thoughts, 1961

Self and Ingenuity..../ And then there were none.....

If a person is ingenious 

With an intent and malice enough 

To make up something.....

He or she can come up with all

That can be deemed as ev·i·den·tia·ry Or

Find something they wish......

Others may believe in and

A person with sufficient ingenuity 

Can find evidence anywhere  

To build a case against others.

--- Agatha Christie.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

What is the appropriate behavior..............

What is the appropriate behavior 

for a man or a woman 

in the midst of this world, 

where each person is clinging to 

his piece of debris? 

What’s the proper salutation 

between people as they pass 

each other in this flood?

       *       *       *       *       *

Let none find fault with others; 

let none see the omissions and 

commissions of others. 

But let one see one’s own acts, 

done and undone.

-- Gautama Budha.

Friday, July 09, 2021

Being Lured.......

It is a man’s own mind, 

not his enemy or foe, 

that lures him to evil ways.

-- Gautama Budha.

Distinctions... and Difference........

In the sky, 

there is no distinction of east and west; 

people create distinctions 

out of their own minds and 

then believe them to be true.

-- Gautama Budha.

Thursday, July 08, 2021


Verifiability is not about 

His word or Her word or Their word Or

A belief....A tradition .... A custom etc...

It is not even about what

A judge would admit or not

It is about finding for oneself 

What was /and is...

Thus spoke the grey parrot

When Men became mute.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Real Learning....

Real learning comes about 

When the competitive spirit 

has ceased.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Quote of the day......

 It is a great importance to set 

A resolution, not to be shaken, 

never to tell an untruth. 

There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, 

so contemptible and he who permits 

himself to tell a lie once, 

finds it much easier to do it 

a second and third time, 

till at length it becomes habitual, 

he tells lies without attending to it, and 

truths without the world's believing him. 

This falsehood of the tongue leads to 

that of the heart, and

in time depraves all it's good dispositions.

-- Thomas Jefferson.(1743-1826), 
US Founding Father, 3rd US President
drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What it is to understand.....

 If we can really understand the problem, 

The answer will come out of it, 

Because the answer is not separate from 

The problem. 

― Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Quote of the day......./ Proverbs 24:26........

An honest answer is...... 

The sign of true friendship.

-- Proverbs 24:26.
Source: The Holy Bible.

Freedom from the Known.........

Thought is so cunning

So clever......... 

That it distorts everything for 

Its own convenience.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Monday, June 28, 2021

To question a Lie.......

Every time

The world fails 

To question a Lie

It looses

A part of..... 

Its humanity.

Quote of the day.....

Most of our faults are 

more pardonable than 

the means we use to conceal them.

-- François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
(1613-1680) French author.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Quote of the day.....

I love agitation and investigation and 

glory in defending unpopular truth 

against popular error.

-- James A. Garfield (1831-1881). 
20th President of the United States (1881)

Friday, June 25, 2021

Quote of the day....

It is easier to find a score of men 

wise enough to discover the truth 

than to find one intrepid enough, 

in the face of opposition, 

to stand up for it.

-- Archibald Alexander Hodge (1823-1886). 
American Presbyterian leader, 
principal of Princeton Seminary.

       *        *        *       *        *

Today the grand jury is 

the total captive of the prosecutor

who, if he is candid, will concede 

that he can indict anybody,

at any time, for almost anything, 

before any grand jury.

-- William J. Campbell (1905-1988).
United States federal judge, 
Source: Newsweek, 22 August 1977

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

In·con·se·quen·tial /ˌinkänsəˈkwen(t)SHəl...........

One can not add 

Anything more to 


It does not add up.

Sunday, June 20, 2021


There is nothing sacred about.... 

Human affairs.

Quote of the day..../ Equality.....

The humiliating difference between 

Laymen and Clergymen must disappear, and 

Equality spring from true liberty.

--- Immanuel Kant.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Quote of the day......

All our mortal lives are set 

in danger and perplexity: 

One day to prosper, and the next -- 

who knows? 

When all is well, 

Then look for rocks ahead.


       *         *         *         *         *

The wise are free from perplexities; 

The virtuous from anxiety; and 

The bold from fear.


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Quote of the day.... / Our Culture, What’s Left Of It.......

In the structure of scientific societies, 

in an era of globalization,

each society and nation state ape each other 

in adopting measures of authority and 

governance that is mostly undifferentiated 

along any ideology, whether it be dictatorship,

democracy, socialist or communist rule,

while each employ their tools of propaganda, 

political correctness with in the given 

Framework of socio-political,

cultural and religious dynamics....... and 

related power structures.... 

Here is what political correctness 

looks like as a reference and quote  

from Theodore Dalrymple...... 

Retired prison doctor and psychiatrist. 

      *          *          *          *          *

Political correctness is propaganda writ small. 

The purpose of propaganda is not to 

persuade or convince, nor to inform, 

but to humiliate; and therefore, 

the less it corresponded to reality the better. 

When people are forced to remain silent 

when they are being told the most obvious lies, 

or even worse when they are forced to repeat 

the lies themselves, they lose once and 

for all their sense of probity. 

To assent to obvious lies is to 

co-operate with evil, and in some small way 

to become evil oneself. 

One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, 

and even destroyed. 

A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. 

I think if you examine political correctness, 

it has the same effect and is intended to.

Our Culture, What’s Left Of It, by Jamie Glazov, 
Interview with Theodore Dalrymple,, August 31, 2005

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Quote of the day..../ In a manner of speaking.......

Without man and his potential 

for moral progress, 

the whole of reality would be 

a mere wilderness, 

a thing in vain, and 

have no final purpose.

--- Immanuel Kant.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Acting in Love.....

{Unlike hatred.....}

Love transcends 

Every obstacle and

Even cleanses........

The self and

Blemishes One carries. 

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Quote of the day....

All false art, all vain wisdom, 

lasts its time but finally destroys itself, and 

Its highest culture is also...... 

The epoch of its decay.

--- Immanuel Kant.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Quote of the day.....

There is something splendid about innocence; 

but what is bad about it, in turn, is that 

it cannot protect itself very well and 

is easily seduced.

--- Immanuel Kant.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Quote of the day....

For peace to reign on Earth, 

humans must evolve into new beings 

who have learned to see the whole first.

---- Immanuel Kant.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Quote of the day......

Out of the crooked timber of humanity, 

No straight thing was ever made.

--- Immanuel Kant.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Quote of the day.........

 Freedom and love go together. 

Love is not a reaction. 

If I love you because you love me, 

that is mere trade, 

A thing to be bought in the market; 

It is not love. 

To love is not to ask anything in return, 

not even to feel that 

you are giving something- and 

It is only such love..... 

that can know freedom.

― J. Krishnamurti.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Authenticity and Inner truth.........

I think in fact that unless 

there is an organic link 

between the subjective impressions of 

the author and his objective 

representation of reality, 

he will not achieve... 

even superficial credibility, 

let alone authenticity and 

inner truth.

--Andrei Tarkovsky.

What does Art do ............

Art must carry man’s craving for the ideal, 

must be an expression of 

his reaching out towards it; 

that art must give man hope and faith. 

And the more hopeless 

the world in the artist’s version, 

the more clearly perhaps must we see 

the ideal that stands in opposition – 

otherwise life becomes impossible! 

Art symbolizes........ 

the meaning of our existence.

--Andrei Tarkovsky.

What endures.....

 Some sort of pressure must exist; 

the artist exists because --

the world is not perfect. 

Art would be useless 

if the world were perfect, 

as man wouldn’t look for harmony 

but would simply live in it. 

Art is born out of 

an ill-designed world.

-- Andrei Tarkovsky.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021


The lack of courage of 

the masses make 

terror against 

individual groups possible.

--- Peter Graf. Editor.

To be lost...... To a cause...

Nothing in the nature of reality or 

Any worldly possession is 

Greater than...... 

One's own true salvation

A quest......

That is worthy of

The wise.

Choosing Easy.....

We end up choosing easy 

More so because...... 

We lack amongst us 

The one's that are....

Capable of difficult tasks.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Quote of the day.....

If the people will lead,


the leaders will follow.

-- Florence Robinson.

Brother's keeper......

To plead for fairness 

Towards others is

A responsibility not many are 

Capable of shouldering.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Quote of the day.....

The only condition of fighting for 

the right to create is 

faith in your own vocation, 

readiness to serve, and 

refusal to compromise.

---Andrei Tarkovsky.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The imperative /s.....

Any process.....Or Action....

That offers some degree of transparency

Openness and accessibility 

Would certainly lead to

A fruitful outcome.     

       *       *        *       *       *

Secrecy breeds contempt and


Essay on Man.....

Submit -- In this, or any other sphere, 

Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear: 

Safe in the hand of one disposing Pow'r, 

Or in the natal, or the mortal hour. 

All Nature is but Art, 

Unknown to thee; 

All Chance, Direction, 

Which thou canst not see; 

All Discord, Harmony, not understood; 

All partial Evil, universal Good: 

And, spite of Pride, 

In erring Reason's spite, 

One truth is clear, .......

"Whatever IS, is RIGHT.

---  Alexander Pope in his "Essay on Man"


Time and again...... 

God / Cosmic order incarnates 

In reflections of....... 

Fundamental truths

In order for us to know 

Who we are and 

Where we stand

In the order of reality.

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Nature of True Democracy........

In a true democratic environment

Power has very little role to play

Except for resource management.

To give and To receive......

In equality alone lies......... 

The honor of giving and receiving

All else is distorted and conflicting.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Knowledge and its dynamics.....

All knowledge......

By any measure is incomplete and

Creates friction / conflict...

When it operates 

With in (any given).... 

A dialectical framework.

In choosing the right action.....

Each time One / We choose

To do the right action....

One / We have set the history in

Right direction.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Revelation - Resurrection....

What was once...... 

A reality could be 

Always another possibility and 

Like wise.... 

What was once 

A possibility could be

A reality in time

Either through...... 

Folly or Wisdom.

    *       *       *       *       *

Even ...If it by the hands of 

Bad people Or Fol·ly

The possibility of 

Truth and Justice is

Much desired.

Being right.....

To be right 

At any cost is....

To do Right.

Quote of the day......A law makers creed........

In dealing with the State, 

we ought to remember that 

its institutions are not aboriginal, 

though they existed before we were born;

that they are not superior to the citizen;

that every one of them was once 

the act of a single man;

every law and usage was 

a man's expedient to meet 

a particular case;

that they all are imitable, all alterable;

we may make as good; 

we may make better.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Source: Essays, Second Series (1844)

Saturday, May 15, 2021

What to do.....

It is with in each of our's right and 

Also responsibility to do ....

Just the right thing....

Nothing extra ordinary there.

Being aspirational.....

It is not meaningful

To aspire to change others....

Which in itself could be a misstep

With out changing oneself.

To move On.................

Either one can pass the buck Or

One can pass responsibility.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

From Ape to Da·sein.....

Evolution is all about finding 

More rational and meaningful identities

And being able to redefine and hold

One's humanity.......

In better light.

Pedagogy of the oppressed.....

The interests of the oppressors lie in 

changing the consciousness of the oppressed, 

not the situation which oppresses them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A slippery slope.....

When ever we antagonize and 

Hate someone / Others 

We deem it is alright to do 

Anything to hurt them.....

Even when we have lost the sense of 

Right and Wrong Or

A semblance of human existence.....

Seldom.... If never 

One has gained anything

With hatred.....

Leave alone winning hearts. 

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Evolution / Revolution / A world unborn...

To give in to existing notions of ideologies

(cultures,societies and institutions) and 

Their respective thought processes 

That are passe' is..... 

Lacking in right intelligence.

Little that endures in time....

History is full of events

Many and

Much too many

To count and recount.....

Yet none counts in 

Time that holds

All life in its grip....

As many fall short of


That  which is central to 

The making of history.

Pedagogy of the oppressed / Dehumanization....


although a concrete historical fact,

is not a given destiny but 

the result of an unjust order 

that engenders violence in the oppressors, 

which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed.

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Some reflections...

To See.....

Morality is a pretense 

Where reason is for real.

         *       *       *      *       

One with a false cause....

If your cause is

A false one.....

You have desperate need to

Compromise others.

      *        *       *       *       *

The true nature parasites....

Parasites are indiscriminate.

     *        *        *        *       *

Our sustainability....

We live in a dualist/divided world

Until we break that logjam

Our sustainability.... 

As human species is

Highly questionable.

      *       *        *        *        *

Living Responsibly / The idea of being 
An individual...

There comes in every person's life 

( men and women equally)

Among those that are self aware

where one can either choose.......

To close eyes, evade, ignore or 

Face a moment of truth.

Quote of the day.....

It is no measure of health 

to be well adjusted 

to a profoundly sick society.

--- J.Krishnamurthi.

Self deception......

Pretension is

Man's .....

Best self deception.

Monday, May 03, 2021

To wield power.....

To have power is to have the ability to use 

One's discretion with wisdom...

Akin to godlike....

Otherwise it is just an enslavement of 

One's own self to the idea of power

Where one is left to feel..... 

Relatively superior to others 

In the temporality of.....

Time and space.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

In truth.....

True gift ( generosity) comes from 

True compassion.

No two things can occupy .... The same place at the same time .........

No two things can occupy

The same place at the same time 

One can choose to do bad and not Or 

Even choose to Good.....But

No one it seems to have ridden 

These two horses at the same time 

Except for may be 

The ones..... 

That pretend and 


That are not right in their mind.

Truth amongst us...........

If we have truth amongst us 

There would be only One story 

Where all of our stories 

Become One.

Otherwise one's imagination 

Runs adrift and

Becomes speculative leading to 

An erroneous and distorted 

Existence of reality.

All in Logic....

In the logical progression of

Actions and thoughts

Everything is...


What falls short is



Understanding and 


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

To squander our respective human values......

The rise and fall of political fortunes and 

That of rivalries of establishment ideologies 

At best are an abstract upheavals and 

If not superficial are mostly irrelevant 

But to pay a price with humanity 

In any manner and to undermine 

The values that govern human societies is

A shortcoming in democratic spirit

Even if not an abject fall

Still is unbecoming of

Any given society.

Our respective failures....

Every failure.....

Systemic or otherwise 

Reduces possible solutions 

To the point of...... 

(self) negation /contradictions 


A/the true potential future.


Science is a logical Arbiter

It does not have...

Choices or Favorites in

Being subservient to 

Human cause/s or 

Their future aspirations.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Poverty of philosophy....


Cooked up lies and

Bad science go....

Hand in hand.


Often humanity is a lost cause

Except for the efforts of those.... 

Who brave unheard of a path.

Our world.....

How can "We /One " 

Have A world

With out..... 

Others in it.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Understanding mankind......

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or 

A Christian or A European, or anything else, 

You are being violent. 

Do you see why it is violent? 

Because you are separating yourself from 

the rest of mankind. 

When you separate yourself by belief, 

by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. 

So a man who is seeking to understand violence 

does not belong to any country, to any religion, 

to any political party or partial system; 

he is concerned with...... 

the total understanding of mankind.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Our legacies....

The wrongs and evils of this world 

Historically are not our making....

But what we have for our times is

The ability to stop continuation of

Such wrongs....

The ability that which is given to 

Us collectively and invested in

Each one of us.... 

Where we can put an end to 

Such wrongs being perpetuated Or

Allow ourselves be swept under 

The currents of wrong historical forces 

In continuation.....

That not only undermine our existence

But make us leave behind

The very misguided foot prints of 

Our false inheritance.....

As a legacy and direction for

Our future generations to come

Leaving their lives with the burden of 

Another Past......

That is not free from the wrongs and evils of 


Quote of the day......

Artistic creation, after all, 

is not subject to absolute laws, 

valid from age to age; 

since it is related to the more general aim of 

mastery of the world, 

it has an infinite number of facets, 

the vincula that connect man 

with his vital activity; and

even if the path towards knowledge is unending, 

no step that takes man nearer 

to a full understanding of 

the meaning of his existence can be 

too small to count.

---Andrei Tarkovsky.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Quote of the day......

 Knowledge is truthful only 

If it’s based in morality.

----Andrei Tarkovsky.

Quote of the day....../To be Or not To be......

Do not repeat after my words 

that you do not understand. 

Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, 

for it will be an illusion and 

you will thereby deceive yourself.

― Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Quote of the day.....

It is obvious that art cannot 

teach anyone anything, 

since in four thousand years 

humanity has learnt nothing at all. 

We should long ago have become angels 

had we been capable of paying attention 

to the experience of art, and 

allowing ourselves to be changed 

in accordance with the ideals 

it expresses. 

--Andrei Tarkovsky.

Artistic faith...

The poet has nothing to be proud of. 

He is not master of the situation, 

but a servant. 

Creative work is his only 

possible form of existence, 

and his every work is like a deed 

he has no power to annul. 

For him to be aware that the sequence of 

such deeds is due and ripe, 

that it lies in the very nature of things, 

he has to have faith in the idea; 

for only faith interlocks the system of images 

for which read system of life.

--- Andrei Tarkovsky.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Psychotic / A mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality....

Off all ignorance 

the ignorance of the educated is

the most dangerous.

Not only are educated people likely

to have more influence,

they are the last people to suspect that

they don't know what they are talking about

when they go outside their narrow fields.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

The ethics of belief..........

It is wrong always, 

everywhere, and for anyone, 

to believe anything upon 

insufficient evidence.


It is immoral to believe things 

for which one lacks evidence.

--William Kingdon Clifford.(1845-79) 

English mathematician, philosopher.

Moral & Ethical.....and The significance of being Oneself......

No matter 

Which station of Life 

One is.....

There are always 


One does need to ask 


Wednesday, April 07, 2021

A Relativist's Delusion.....

One is no less truly evil than 

The others.....

When one makes an excuse of 

Other as being more

Evil or Wrong

Where by one is no less

A parasite and is

Only good at adding more to

Human suffering

Than solving 

Any problem thereof. 

Dialectical Enemas...........

The trials of enemies

When they are not warring or 

Cutting each others throats

Is to try and 

Mislead each other.

Reflexivity of Intelligence.....

Intelligence is....

Self regulatory and 

Is free of identities... 

Without boundaries.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Quote of the day....

We can either delight in wisdom and

Fellowship Or

Take flight in...... 

Our respective stupidity.

    *       *       *       *       * 

People take different roads 

seeking fulfillment & happiness. 

Just because they're not on your road 

doesn't mean they've gotten lost.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
(1940-) American author.

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Everyone may seek 

his own happiness 

in the way 

that seems good to himself, 

provided that he infringe not 

such freedom of others 

to strive after a similar end as is 
consistent with the freedom of all 

according to a possible general law.

- Immanuel Kant
(1724-1804) German philosopher.

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There is one thing in the world 

more wicked than 

the desire to command, and that is 

the will to obey.

- William Kingdon Clifford
(1845-1879) English mathematician, philosopher.