Sunday, December 27, 2015


Incompetence always 

looks for scapegoats. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Right meditation.....

Right meditation is to put the House in order

which is to have no fear and 

the understanding of pleasure,

ending sorrow....

Or else it is just an escape.

---J.krishna murthy.

Wo/Men of quality..

Neither through privilege 

Nor through prejudice

Wo/Men of quality are made. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

To love Children....

If one were to Truly love children

One can make Angles out of them.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Quote of the day....

The purpose of government is 

to rein in........

the rights of the people.

-- Bill Clinton (1946- ), 42nd US President.
Source: Often attributed to an interview on MTV or 
from a speech at Philadelphia City Hall, May 28,1993.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Quote of the day....

There is no maxim in my opinion 

which is more liable to be misapplied, and 

which therefore needs elucidation than 

the current one that the interest of 

the majority is the political standard of 

right and wrong... . 

In fact it is only reestablishing 

under another name and 

a more specious form, 

force as the measure of right. 

-- James Madison(1751-1836).4th US President.
Father of the Constitution for the USA.
Source: letter to James Monroe, October 5, 1786

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Towards a new path....

If there have been solutions to

manmade problems

They mostly came through 

Human desperation,hard work

and even by accident

In addition to a great deal of 

sacrifice in good faith.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Speaking of "Why".....

If one were to learn to say "why" 

As often as one could 

In most of one's affairs in this world..

The world would be A far better place than 

If one were to speak a million words 

from a dictionary.

Friday, November 06, 2015

Quote of the day......

No more fatuous chimera has 

ever infested the brain than that 

you can control opinions by law or

direct belief by statute, and

no more pernicious sentiment 

ever tormented the heart than 

the barbarous desire to do so.

The field of inquiry should remain open, and

the right of debate must be regarded 

as a sacred right.

-- William E. Borah(1865-1940) 
U. S. Senator.

         *         *         *         *        *

It is dangerous to be right 

in matters on which 

the established 

authorities are wrong.

-- Voltaire.(1694-1778).

A fool's errand......

Imitation is A fool's best errand.

Quote of the day.....

If ever a time should come, 

when vain and aspiring men shall possess 

the highest seats in Government, 

our country will stand in need of its 

experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.

--- US Founding Father Samuel Adams.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Quote of the day.....

When any government, or 

any church for that matter, 

undertakes to say to its subjects, 

This you may not read, 

this you may not see, 

this you are forbidden to know, 

the end result is tyranny and oppression, 

no matter how holy the motives. 

Mighty little force is needed to control 

a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; 

contrariwise, no amount of force can 

control a free man, 

a man whose mind is free. 

No, not the rack, not fission bombs, 

not anything -- 

you can't conquer a free man; 

"the most you can do is kill him."

-- Robert A. Heinlein(1907-1988) 
American writer.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

True Compassion......

One can not be said to be 

Truly compassionate

By/through earthly attachments.

What is a Noble Act.....?

A reflection

A sentiment.....

An act even in moderation

Being Just and humane 

Towards others is....... 

No less a Noble act.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Analytic of Relativity of truth....

In a relativistic assumption, 

when 99% presented as true or factual

and the rest 1% as lie or erroneous

The facts of which in A paradigm shift

show case the 99% as lie and 

only 1% representing the truth.

Monday, October 26, 2015

True Nobility.....

True nobility is an account of 

One's generosity towards others

Than any notable claim...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Past and Future....

The more of the past...... 

We have to deal with 

The more of...... 

The future we forfeit.

Faith conundrum...

Truer faith has more in common with

the divine and humane among us

than with religion.

p.s- as an example one does only need to look at 

Christ for such understanding.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Preposition -^&#...

Only an autonomous act can initiate change

All else is contrived.

A preposition in moral logic.....

When a supposition X is equal to A or B or C or D

and so on so forth,

Yet an assumption that X is not equal to X were to be held

Then X=X ,  in all probability 

By the very supposition that

X is equal to A,B,C,D.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The being as "signified".....

A being in essence is just a "biological creature 

like any other" and 

all attributes that personify the being 

either as assumed or believed to be true are 

mere constructs of the being itself 

in signifying the very nature of being 

which otherwise is of least or no significance 

in the way nature organizes and demonstrates itself.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A lower species...

If one has lived a life mostly justifying Evil

One has not had a true existential challenge 

In one's life,

nor is one's life touched by humanity or divinity.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Quote of the day......

Nature does nothing in vain...


Monday, September 28, 2015

A mark of civilization....

A mark of civilization besides 

many other things is

Tolerance and Diversity.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Emerson "Self-Reliance"

Who so would be a man must be a nonconformist

He who would gather immortal palms 

must not be hindered by the name of goodness, 

but must explore if it be goodness. 

Nothing is at last sacred 

but the integrity of your own mind.

-- Emerson 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Freedom from past....


Acting now....

To do now... 

Acting now must be free from the past.

               *        *       *       *       *

Conflict not only destroys the mind 

but also human sensitivity.

              *       *       *       *       *

-- JK.

Friday, September 11, 2015

To make a virtue.....

If one were to make a virtue of something or anything 

One has began to undermine everything else, and 

by which one has opened an arena for devils play. 

Friday, September 04, 2015

When the poor ones speculate...

Speculation among the poor and impoverished is

Akin to superstition and myth building.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Quote of the day...

Only two things are infinite,

the universe and human stupidity,and

I’m not sure about the universe...

~Albert Einstein.

Do they know not what they do....

First they say it is the right thing to do

For the good of humanity and

In the name of humanity...

They use every excuse to do

what they have been wanting to do...

Then, as the people are moved by their humanity

In witnessing the gruesome nature of those acts

Some begin to say it was the wrong thing to do,

Saying, we in the first place should not have meddled

Then they go on saying....

It has become a problem and headache

Which we must and should deal with (obviously)

For the good of humanity, and

Then they continue doing...

What they always wanted to do.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Any entrenched identity is

An unbreachable irrationality.

All rational identities are distinct and universal 

In essence they are homosapien and 

One and the same.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Quote of the day ..."Spiritual Freedom".........

I call the mind free which jealously guards

its intellectual rights and powers,

which calls no man master,

which does not content itself

with a passive or hereditary faith...

-- William Ellery Channing(1780-1842)

Source: Spiritual Freedom, 1830

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

To Care....

It is not easy to care for others

It calls for true compassion that 

which is free from any attachment

and is a quality of one's humanity.

Indeed it is very difficult 

to truly care for others...

Even the best among us either pretend or

unknowingly believe that 

they truly care for others. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Quote of the day.....

If the innocent honest Man must quietly quit 

all he has for Peace sake, to him 

who will lay violent hands upon it, 

I desire it may be considered what kind of Peace 

there will be in the World, 

which consists only in Violence and Rapine; and 

which is to be maintained only for 

the benefit of Robbers and Oppressors.

-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist. 
Source: Second Treatise of Civil Government [1690]

              *       *      *      *      *

"You can’t, in sound morals,

condemn a man for taking care of his own integrity.

It is his clear duty.

-- Joseph Conrad

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

To respect Others....

One that had no respect for other's faith or tradition

Has very little respect for any faith or tradition.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Quote of the day....

We, the famished, ragged ragamuffins of

the East are to win freedom for all humanity!

We have no word for 'nation' in our language.

-- Vishwa kavi Rabindranath Tagore.
Nobel laureate.
His reflections on pre-independence India's
 contribution to the first world war.

                  *      *      *      *      *

Author of the greatest anti-war poem in the

English language, Dulce et Decorum Est.

The great British poet Wilfred Owen

was to return to the front to give his life

in the futile First World War, he recited

Tagore's Parting Words to his mother

as his last goodbye.

When he was so tragically and pointlessly killed,

Owen's mother found Tagore's poem copied out

in her son's hand in his diary:

When I go from hence

let this be my parting word,

that what I have seen is unsurpassable.

I have tasted of the hidden honey of this lotus

that expands on the ocean of light,

and thus am I blessed

---let this be my parting word.

In this playhouse of infinite forms

I have had my play and

here have I caught sight of him that is formless.

My whole body and my limbs

have thrilled with his touch who is beyond touch;

and if the end comes here, let it come

- let this be my parting word.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Quote of the day....

Absolute, arbitrary power

over the lives, liberty and property

of freemen exists nowhere in a republic,

not even in the largest majority.

-- Kentucky Declaration of Rights - Art. I, Sec. 2
also found in the Wyoming Declaration of Rights Art. I, Sec. 7

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Quote of the day..

Ever since the beginning of modern science, 

the best minds have recognized that 

"the range of acknowledged ignorance will 

grow with the advance of science." 

Unfortunately, the popular effect of 

this scientific advance has been a belief, 

seemingly shared by many scientists,that

the range of our ignorance is steadily diminishing and

that we can therefore aim at more comprehensive and 

deliberate control of all human activities. 

It is for this reason that those intoxicated by 

the advance of knowledge so often become 

the enemies of freedom."

-- Friedrich August von Hayek
(1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974

          *      *      *      *      *

"A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes."

-- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
(1729-1781) German Dramatist

Quote of the day..........

A democratic despotism is like a theocracy:

it assumes its own correctness.

-- Walter Bagehot.

Towards a Right action....

Lacking in any kind of principle is 

One's inability to define oneself.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Self identity...........

Say religion,faith,and one's identity etc

is not defined by inheritance, 

or even  by a tradition, where 

All life forms are one and the same.

It is in one's conscious efforts and 

becoming aware of the self that which is 

in constant realization, One gets to 

define one's identity....

Where one's identity is nothing but 

To be responsible for Who one is 

To begin with.

Monday, June 08, 2015

To know / Who are You....?

The most enlightened revelation 

One can ever have is to know 

the nature of one's imperfections.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Quote of the day.....

On May 25th, 2012, Biden spoke to families of 

fallen soldiers and described the appeal of suicide.

"I probably shouldn’t say this with the press here,

" Biden said, "but no, but it’s more important, 

you’re more important. 

Just when you think, 

‘Maybe I’m going to make it,’ 

you’re riding down the road and 

you pass a field, and 

you see a flower and it reminds you. 

Or you hear a tune on the radio. 

Or you just look up in the night. 

You know, you think, 

‘Maybe I’m not going to make it, man.'

For the first time in my life, 

I understood how someone could 

consciously decide to commit suicide. 

Not because they were deranged, 

not because they were nuts, because 

they had been to the top of the mountain, and 

they just knew in their heart 

they would never get there again."

-- Joe Biden.

47th Vice president of United States.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Quote of the day.....

People want it. People can get it.

We live in a capitalistic democratic society,

So we get what we want.

Rashida jones-talks-amateur-porn-industry-documentary

To Will......

To will that is most enduring and fruitful..

Is to know the true nature of one's imperfections.

Navigating the present...

The present moment is ever present in its movement,

Hence there is no circumventing it.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Confession / clarification.........

Confession/clarification is one of the cleansing process of 

Inner thought ( self) and actions of a person :

A choice there remains is how one chooses to address it, 

Not a mear ( insignificant/simple /indifferent) 

manipulation of  the conscious self,  

that leads one to be delusional with distortions of reality, 

where one is lost even more in to 

The trappings of falsehood 

But, is a journey to regain one's innocence

that is humble and vulnerable.

An undoing, where nothing is left for imagination... 

And  with out such cleansing

There is neither transcendence nor 

Evolution of the self.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Albeit with all the good intentions and to do good 

and serve the fellow human beings ,

One had indeed done nothing , except to be thankful 

for being in such privileged position and 

Yet to face the absurdity of the fact that 

One is indeed in no less need of salvation and

As such there is neither virtue or vice  

in those contrasting lives, 

The server and the served,while both are not free 

Of their respective bondage (miseries), 

where in the possibility or a potential for 

any true meaning lies only 

when life is made free of such ( conditional )

banalities of existence. 

In Faith............/ Stalker...

In faith one is Always alone.


Saturday, May 09, 2015

Quote of the day.....

Integrity has no need of rules.

-- Albert Camus
(1913-1960) French Algerian author

              *      *      *       *      *

It is the first responsibility of 

every citizen to question authority.

-- Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790) US Founding Father

              *      *      *      *      *

Laws control the lesser man. 

Right conduct controls the greater one.

-- Chinese Proverb

Quote of the day........

The simple step of a courageous individual

is not to take part in the lie.

One word of truth outweighs the world.

-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
(1918-2008) Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Quote of the day..........

Much more is needed. 

At least as important is that 


the criminal must be debased. 

He must be seen to suffer not just from 

a deprivation of liberty, but also to be 

emotionally, psychologically, mentally anguished. 

The punishment can’t just physically 

restrain his body, but 

must inflict suffering in his mind, 

on the deepest level of his soul.

-- Glenn Greenwald.

         *      *      *      *      *

The prosecutor-dictated plea bargain system, 

by creating such inordinate pressures to 

enter into plea bargains, 

appears to have led a significant number of 

defendants to plead guilty to crimes 

they never actually committed.

---Judge Jed S. Rakoff.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


privacy is the cornerstone of freedom and Liberty 

Though may not be private,

Yet it is the grace and essence of human self

In its interaction with the very nature of existence.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What is... and Will be.....and A homage to The chambered nautilus....

In time space continuum what has been.... 

( neither intelligence nor experience) 

is not same in the present ...

nor It will be in future 

even in similarities / parallels. 

           *      *      *      *      *

                         A Homage to..

    The Chambered Nautilus

This is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign,

Sails the unshadowed main,— 

The venturous bark that flings

On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings

In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings,

And coral reefs lie bare,

Where the cold sea-maids rise 

to sun their streaming hair.

Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;

Wrecked is the ship of pearl!

And every chambered cell,

Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,

As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,  

Before thee lies revealed,—

Its irised ceiling rent, 

its sunless crypt unsealed!

Year after year beheld the silent toil

That spread his lustrous coil;

Still, as the spiral grew,

He left the past year’s dwelling for the new,

Stole with soft step its shining archway through,

Built up its idle door,

Stretched in his last-found home, 

and knew the old no more.

Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,
Child of the wandering sea,

Cast from her lap, forlorn!

From thy dead lips a clearer note is born

Than ever Triton blew from wreathèd horn!

While on mine ear it rings,

Through the deep caves of thought 

I hear a voice that sings:

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,

As the swift seasons roll!

Leave thy low-vaulted past!

Let each new temple, nobler than the last,

Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,

Till thou at length art free,

Leaving thine outgrown shell by 

life’s unresting sea!

--By Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter and in Rememberence of PassOver......

In a shadowy corner of the self

In each one of us, there resides

An infomer who aids in self preservation

and in one's insecurities. Albeit

An informer is not only inauthentic

but also is the one that lends oneself

to distortion of truth ,adding to chaos.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Quote of the day.........

Poor naked wretches, whereso'er you are,

That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,

How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,

Your looped and windowed raggedness, 

defend you From seasons such as these? 

Oh, I have ta'en Too little care of this! 

Take physic, pomp.

Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel,

That thou mayst shake the superflux to them

And show the heavens more just.

----King Lear.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

The storm...

Nothing he had ever seen before of life 

in the city or anywhere else had prepared him

for the stories they told him or

the chilling matter of fact-ness  of their telling,

as though the world that described was

the way the world has always been

as far as they knew would always go on being.

He came to realize that more often than not

their homelessness was not worse than the homes,

if they had ever had any, that they had fled or

be thrown out of a simply seen

fall pieces around their ears.

If the police would not let them sleep

in the subway, they simply moved on to

some boarded- up tenement or public latrine.

If they could get hold of drugs,

they injected oven cleaner, maybe , or 

sniffed glue or or gasoline, or

anything else that came their way.

If panhandling did not pay off they stole,or

if they weren't too battered looking,

they found somebody who would pay them

for the use of their bodies and may be even

take them in ,feed them and buy them cloths

and treat them decently for while,

often they would find themselves

a professional who would handle

such transactions for them,

enjoying themselves for free from time to time

and may be literally throwing them out

the window or off a fire escape when

they stopped bringing money.

If they were resourceful ,

they might pick up the price of a meal

by tearing out in to rush hour by traffic

when the lights turned red and swabbing off

wind shields with a wet rag, or

scourging the coin return slots of pay phones.

He suspected that beneath their opaque gaze,

they were asking them selves how

they might be able to make use of him

and wondering , if he in turn was asking

himself how and in what ways

he might be able to make use of them.

A girl would drop her eyes or a boy give

a knowing smile, when there did not seem

to be anything to smile at,and he suddenly

felt something that approached terror.

What terrified him was that

they were all of them for sale.

--- Fredric Buechner.